Wednesday 26 May 2010

Denmark and Sweden

Nordic News Extraaaaa

I'll be in Scandinavia until Monday. I've assured the wife it's a cultural trip and that but rules are rules as you know. As such, I've managed to negotiate the squeezing in of a couple of games in Denners and Sweden respectively. On Saturday I'll be at Malmo IFK v Nosaby IF and on Sunday I travel with the Blue Vikings of Lyngby to FC Vestsjælland. The later is in a town called Slagelse. Nothing funny about that. Arf.

You can follow my adventures on the EFW Twitter feed which has suddenly gained a few hundred new followers after recent mentions on The Guardian website and our interview with the Football Ramble.

In the meantime, can I point you in the direction of a fantastic new blog which has surfaced prior to the World Cup. A couple of lads are buying up beers from all 32 competing teams and aim - after several bouts of watery mouth - to find the world's best beer. The blog is called Cup of Good Hop it's bloody funny.

See you on the other side.


  1. Did you use those excellent sites - and to plan your trip Danny?

  2. Funnily enough General, it was my first port of call when planning the trip. You simply couldn't make it up....

  3. Great stuff Danny! Hope to shake your hand in Slagelse!


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