Wednesday 7 October 2009

David Wheeler - Lewes & England

Wheel of Fortune

The 2008/09 season has been a mixed bag for Lewes FC to say the least. The club have been beset by off the field problems (mainly financial) on almost a weekly basis. There are reasons to be cheerful down at the Dripping Pan though and for now let's dwell on the positives.

It's certainly not all doom and gloom from most fans perspective that's for sure. There are 2 x shining beacons of light that stand out. Firstly, in an act which seems most civilised, fans are allowed to drink the local brew 'Harveys' on the terraces whilst the game is in progress. Secondly, we get to see Lewes and England star David Wheeler casting his spells on flummoxed opposition defenders every other week.

Regular readers of our Lewes reports will be aware that EFW can't stop waxing lyrical about David Wheeler. He is a gift that keeps on giving. Mazy runs, tricky wing play, taking on defenders at will, pin-point crosses and quality finishing are just some of the strings to his bow. If you think I'm exaggerating - just ask the many scouts that have frequented Lewes matches this season. Southampton have been interested, Yeovil are regular admirers and less excitingly, Farnborough are also showing an interest (please don't David!).

In 2009, his talents were recognised by England when he was called up for the schoolboys squad and played at Wembley (Wembley!) against the French and happily, the Brighton born midfielder - who was a product of the splendid Lewes Youth system - didn't let himself down and let his feet do the talking on the biggest stage of all.

So, was David too big for his boots to talk to EFW!? Was he 'eck as like. I donned my Parky hat for the afternoon and David sat down to answer our questions. What a star! :

You've not only played at Wembley but played well at Wembley. That must have been some experience?

It was difficult to take in initially; I was so focused on the game that I didn’t really allow myself to think about the enormity of it all! I think it took a few days to really sink in, I just wish I could’ve played the full 90mins!

You and I actually have something in common in that we've both had trials for Southampton. How did yours go? Mine was about 20 years ago and they told me I had no pace, despite the fact I scored a second half hat-trick in a trial match against a French side - I'm not bitter though!

I enjoyed my time down there and thought I played well in the practice game, however both me and Arnie (Ryan Storrie) were told that it was difficult to take a chance on us, with the club in such an unstable condition.

Do you play any other sports?

Yes, I have done athletics with Lewes AC for years, mainly 400m and long jump, and enjoy Badminton now and again.

What's been the best goal you've scored?

Probably when I was younger, playing for Lewes Bridgeview, I scored a left-footed volley from about 30yrds against Rottingdean!

Who do you support?

Lewes and Man. Utd

And your favourite player?

Ryan Giggs

When was the last time you paid to see a game?

England vs. Ukraine

What would be your dream FA Cup 3rd Round draw?

Man. Utd at Old Trafford as it would clear the clubs debts and it’s Man. Utd at Old Trafford!

Who has been the best player you've played with?

Danny Cullip or Barney (Anthony Barness)

What's the best heckle you've heard from the crowd?

Probably on my debut at Torquay last year, an older man screamed, “we’re gonna get you Wheeler”

Who has the worst dress sense at Lewes FC - there must be a few candidates?

Crabby or Danny! (blimey charlie, for the uninitiated Crabby is EFW's sponsored player and Danny means Daddy, the Daddy as in Danny Cullip - not to be messed with!)

Who has the worst music taste?

Ross Sutton (lol - Ed)

What music do you like?

Alternative or Rock probably. Radiohead, Chili Peppers, Kings Of Leon and Rage are all great bands.

What's the banter like in the Lewes changing room and who is the joker in the pack?

There’s always been a good atmosphere among the lads. It’s usually Banksy (Lewes Keeper), Arnie or Danny who are quick to crack a joke!

Talking of which, does the following mean anything to you; A book called 'The kid with the stripey t-shirt' and wearing the same socks as Dodge!?

Yeah, Danny ripped me for the book I was reading, ‘The boy in the striped pyjamas’, a book about the Holacaust and I never hear the end of it after wearing the same socks as Dodge!

Finally, What offer would it take for you to leave Lewes? I know there's been interest from Farnborough and Yeovil this season.

I am enjoying myself at lewes at the moment. I would only consider an offer from a club in a higher standard of football and that plays with a style I would benefit from.

God save our Lewes FC!

Cheers David, thanks for taking the time out to talk to EFW and good luck in the future!

Thanks also to expert snapper and Lewes legend James Boyes for providing all bar one of the photos

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1 comment:

  1. 'One David Wheeler' Fantastic player who will become a League player, I'm pretty sure of that.

    Although without him this Lewes side would lack any creativity and I doubt score enough goals.


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