Sunday 18 July 2010

Worthing FC

Power to the people

Worthing 0-0 Lewes (17:07:10)

- click on photos to enlarge image -

Lewes FC are back back back. As if that's not exciting enough on its own merit - get a load of this - we're now a community (community!) club. Ultimately, the fans will own the Rooks and will be able to vote the board in or out. Only time will tell if this a good move for the club but I think its both innovative and exciting.

Seeing as EFW is going to be part of this community, I thought I'd try and put this site to use in an attempt to try and bring some colour to the Rook Inn aka the Lewes FC clubhouse. Fans from all over Europe have been kindly donating scarves from their clubs.

So on the morning of this pre-season friendly against Worthing, Mr Fuller and I were up at the Dripping Pan sticking stuff up on the walls and around the bar in an attempt to turn the Rook Inn into a fanhouse. It's only just begun. If you want to be part of it, send us a scarf of your team and you'll be part of our community. Everyone is welcome at Lewes FC.

Early days yet but this time next year and, with your help, this place will be a shrine to football.

Woodside Road seemed as good a place as any to see in the new season. The Rebels have a great fanbase themselves. They've also had the mandatory financial issues. Towards the end of last season their players were issued with an ultimatum: accept 30 quid a week or off you go. To their credit they stayed. Fast forward to 2010/11 though and they have a new manager and one or two (and the rest - Ed.) players who've joined from Horsham YMCA.

If you think I'm going to use this forum to tell you that I once played at Woodside Road you've got another thing coming. The last thing I want to do is sit here and tell you how I once scored a 22 yard screamer into the roof of the net at this very stadium. Its changed a bit since then. They've added a few new stands, things are in colour and it's no longer called Woodside Road - its the A2B stadium or something similar.

The game wasn't a classic. It was never going to be. It was hotter than Greece and the players have only just returned from a couple of weeks in Magaluf. The highlight of the match occurred when the ball bounced into the electricity sub station underneath one of the floodlights. Thoughts turned to those 70s public information films and, indeed, Charlie says. Charlie says don't talk to strangers and don't expect too much entertainment in a pre-season friendly.

That electricity sub station in the background.

EFW have sponsored Richard Gradwell's (No.9) away kit for the season.

Tom Murphy on trial from Gillingham started up front alongside Gradders.

You expect substitutions ahoy in these type of matches but Worthing went one better. They substituted the ball on about four different occasions. After suffering a kick in the Jubulanis by losing the original in an electricity sub station (see above) we had red ones, white ones, red and white ones. If Norris McWhirter hadn't of popped his clogs, I'd have dropped him a line to ask what the previous multi ball record was.

Anyway, the game aside it was great to be back amongst friends. No beer on the terraces at Worthing though. That wouldn't have mattered too much other than the fact their clubhouse smelt of three weeks in the Lake District without a wash. They need to sort that out. Friendly bunch though - good luck to them.

After the match the EFW team found themselves in the Cricketers. A pub with live music and a beer festival was always going to catch our attention. Pints of Burpy Bottom and Wobbly Tummy went down ten treats.

The lino is a what? Apologies for child-like humour. We simply couldn't resist.

So that's where you've been all Summer. Cynical Dave is back.

Sloppiest pitch in football?

There weren't too many alternatives in the vicinity of Woodside Road. Sadly, the Clifton has now closed its doors, we hadn't been in Chapmans for fifteen years and didn't intend to change that. There is the Jolly Brewers and the Richard Cobden. Its either those or do as the locals do and sit on the kerb with a can of cider. Not my words those before you write in, those of Larry from Lancing. Of course Larry from Lancing.

So what will the next nine months bring? Last minute winners, over priced cheeseburgers, quality clubhouses, banter, changing ends at half time, Harvey's and something else positive that I can't quite put my finger on now but I will do in the course of time. Please forgive me this morning - I have a burpy bottom and a wobbly tummy. Cheers!

For lots more photos of the day CLICK ME

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  1. It was actually 10 (ten!) players that Worthing signed from Horsham YMCA:

  2. Hi Danny, read your blog quite a bit and enjoy it!

    AS you said, things aren't too pretty down here. We'll keep fighting though!

    If EFW fancy, the supporters association are having a PDC style darts night, purely amateur level, if you fancy entering/bringing mates for a cheap, boozy night in Worthing, you'd be more than welcome! Bring P.S too, haven't seen him in ages!

    Cheers and hope to see you again at Woodside sometime soon!


  3. Hi Nick,

    When is this festival of beer and darts? That sounds right up our particular street.


  4. Hi Danny,

    Details are still being confirmed but looking like a Thursday in October for the heats and the grand finale will be first thurs in November.

    Small charge to watch (free drink thrown in for that, maybe food!), A little bit more to play (no more than a tenner), walk on girls provided! Each player has to have a bit of costume, a nickname and provide walk on music!! (I'm sure one of us will have bagged YMCA by Village People!)

    If you bring a few we can try and sort a bit of real ale as well as one of our fans has a good relationship with Dark Star.

    Good luck for the season and I hope all your matches aren't quite as soporific as yesterday's!


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