Wednesday 23 December 2009

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from EFW!

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping on your nose, Yuletide carols being sung by a choi.....(enough already - Ed).

Thanks a million to all those who have logged on to EFW this year. Hopefully, you'll be back for more of the same in 2010!? I'm off to Spain for the festive period but it's not all fiestas and fine wine as I'll be working there as well. I'll be putting in shifts at Atletico Madrid v Sevilla, A.D.Alcorcón v R.M.Castilla and Getafe v Valladolid.

If you missed it, you can read the 2009 EFW Awards HERE and if you get bored of that you can read The Ball is Round Awards THERE.

You can follow our antics in Spain on the EFW TWITTER feed. If you don't fancy signing up for that then the last 5 tweets always appear at the bottom of the menu on the right hand side.

If you fancy your club or fans being featured on these pages next year then get in touch.

See you in 2010!

Danny X

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1 comment:

  1. Yes, merry christmas and a happy new year!

    Your trip to Spain must have meant you missed last nights epic 3-1 victory against Hampton & Richmond. Shame, it was a gooden'. Having said that I'd swap positions, I thought through out the night that I was going to die of hypothermia where as in Spain I can't imagine that being a worry.

    But all worth it as a tie against Kiddy, at their place, has been granted to us due to last nights winning. Kidderminster I think will be the biggest team we've ever played in the FA trophy so should a good one.


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