Tuesday 1 December 2009

Lewes FC Clubhouse - The Rook Inn

Football fans of Europe - help required (apply within)

Somewhat foolishly, I've agreed to help turn around the clubhouse at the Dripping Pan - home to Lewes FC aka The Mighty Rooks. Cynical Dave, Big Deaks and I were having our usual nonsensical talk during last Saturday's reverse at home to Newport County. We figured that it's criminal that Lewes fans rarely use their own clubhouse. It's pivitol for a club of our size to make our own bar make money. Due to it's drab nature and previous problems with the beer on offer, most fans have turned their back on it, preferring instead to drink in town and pitch up at the Dripping Pan five minutes before kick off as well as shooting off straight after games. This needs to change.

The Lewes clubhouse last Saturday. Full (of away fans) but largely drab inside.

Thankfully, due to an arrangement with a local pub - the beer issues have now been resolved and is now in fact perfect. So what's the problem!? I tell you what, aside from no Sky Sports (which we can't afford) it has nil character. This is where we can help. The plan is to make it a shrine to football. It is after all a football pub. The walls are to be decked with football memorabilia - not just Lewes FC related but scarves, pennants and anything else from your club.

Want to contribute in making a bit of history (or something like that - Ed)!?. Then send us a scarf of your club and we'll make sure it gets pride of place in our new clubhouse - now known as The Rook Inn. After cleaning it up and giving it a paint job the walls will then be adorned with anything we can lay our hands on. We want to make it a place that Rooks fans can be proud of, away fans will appreciate and moreover a place that we can hold a European Football Weekends party in - you're all cordially invited!

To send Lewes FC a scarf, pennant or anything you fancy - send me an email (dannylast@hotmail.com) and I'll give you further details.

- feel free to comment below -


  1. Now that is a great idea, have sent you an email.


  2. Best of luck Danny....How about a Vitesse Arnhermesque Hall of Fame?

  3. Great stuff lads!

    Scarves and pennants aplenty have started arriving at EFW Towers in preparation for our Lewes FC clubhouse project.

    Keep 'em coming please chaps!

  4. At fifteen my European travels have been limited so I don't really have anything to contribute. But it's a great idea, hope it works out as plan.


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