Thursday 6 November 2008

Telstar FC


Ever since my good friend Patrick Van Puyenbroeck sent me this photo of the scoreboard at Dutch club Telstar FC from their match with Go Ahead Eagles in October, I've become slightly....ok completely obsessed with it. To me, a scoreboard whereby a basket is hoisted up to denote a goal is pretty much as good as it gets. I tried emailing the club to find out more but as yet they have yet to reply. However, hats at a jaunty angle to Telstar FC fan of 20 years Sebastian from Almelo who was able to answer my questions. I interviewed Seb this morning and in an EFW exclusive we can now reveal the whole story. Let it unfold:

I don't think there are nearly enough scoreboards around these days whereby one has to hoist a basket up to denote that a goal has been scored, how did this wonderful idea come into being?

I think the idea came from the scoreboard which Telstar used in the sixties and seventies. At that time the scoreboard was standing behind the stand on the uncovered East stand (Oost tribune).

Since I've been going to Telstar they've used a normal scoreboard and this one was standing behind the South Stand(Zuid tribune)

See scoreboard on the left. Nothing to write home about is it!? Unlike the new one.

In 2001 Telstar merged with amateurs from Stormvogels, but in the summer this merger separated and now they're called Telstar again. In the summer of 2008 they moved the temporary stand from the North Stand(Noord tribune) to the South Stand, but behind this stand stood the scoreboard so they required a new one.

I don't know who came up with this idea, but it's a homage to the old one which I don't have a photo of. They made this scoreboard with the basket last summer. The baskets are old fish baskets because IJmuiden is famous for it's fishery and the Tata Steel company (Hoogovens). I believe they where using balls instead of fish baskets in the sixties and seventies.

How many baskets do you have in reserve?

They have got 10 baskets.

What's the highest scoring game you've had at the Schoonenberg Stadion and did it exceed the basket capacity?

The highest score from this season is 4-1 (v Go Ahead Eagles) and 2-3(v Helmond Sport). I don't know how many baskets they had in the sixties, but as I said I believe they where using balls in that period.

Presumably there is a waiting list of eager fans wanting to be the one who hoists the basket up?

During the first matches there was an older man who was hoisting the baskets and latterly it's a Telstar supporter who is in is early thirties.

If we here at European Football Weekends paid a visit to your stadium and (God forbid) it was a 0-0 draw and we didn't see any basket action, is there a nice clubhouse at the stadium where we could console ourselves with a refreshing beer?

Up until last season the supporters had a beautiful club house called Paviljoen Schoonenberg, but since the start of this season it's been given away to the sponsors, because of the building of the new stand. The supporters are using a small place next to the East stand, but after the match most Telstar supporters go right away to the Zeeweg bar, only 3 minutes walk from the stadium. The new stand must be ready at the start of the new season 2009/10 and I don't know if the supporters can return to Paviljoen Schoonenberg because there was a fire a few weeks ago and there was some water and smoke damage and I don't know how serious the damage was.

I hope the supporters can return to Paviljoen Schoonenberg because after the matches the supporters and players came together over there .I don't think this happens at most clubs that players are going to the same place after the match.

I was also sent this photo of a Telstar fan who was entertaining the crowd with his guitar. This man appeared to be a local legend, do you know who he is?

Of course I know this man. He has appeared several times on the Dutch television programme Man bijt hond. His nickname is Jomanda. Jomanda is a Dutch female spiritual person. During the 90's before matches he would hang up posters of Jomanda and he had a bottle of water in his hand and he would scream this bottle is ....(dutch word is instralen) by Jomanda and Jomanda told that you restore to health.

All the supporters where laughing and since that time he has got the nickname Jomanda. Most supporters of other clubs know him as well, he is the most famous Telstar supporter I guess.

Five years ago "jomanda" took part in a Dutch air guitar competition. Of course we supported him with a few lads, but he became third. This man is almost 70 years old.

That's it then chaps. Jomanda is now my new hero and Telstar FC are my new favourite club. Shall we all go and pay them a visit next season!? I think so.

If anyone has anything to add about the above or indeed has any other scoreboard anecdotes then click on the comments icon below and for God sake, let us know about them.


  1. The idea of the scoreboard is stolen from VSV, an amateur club at the moment and founder of FC Telstar. Since 2001 a wooden scoreboard is overthere made by Andries.
    And VSV has stolen the idea from Telstar in the sixties.

  2. Telstar is well worth a visit, when i went,the pa played Peter Gunne and he was miming to that on his guitar and also when they played Telstar !
    A real character who's constantly running up and down when Telstar are on the attack.
    Marc Overmars came on as sub for Go-Ahead but Telstar won 4-1,but he got a great ovation from all.


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